The Roxburgh Hotel
The hotel was really nice, and even had a red carpet going into the dining room! The dinner was also really good; tomato soup, chicken and potatoes, and meringue for dessert (yum). After that there was a ceilidh, as there always is at special events here. Lots of the guys wore the full highland outfit, which is the kilt with sort of a tux-like top (looks really complicated). My favorite part of the highland outfit has to be the sgian-dubh, a dagger that is traditionally worn inside the right or left sock depending on whether you are right or left handed (a real highlander always has his dagger at the ready). It seems like wearing a highland outfit to formal events here is like when military people wear their uniforms to special events in the states. It's actually really common to see guys in highland outfits on any given day around here, but when you do see them you can pretty much assume they are going to some really fancy event, no one wears them on an everyday basis or anything like that. Anyway, the ceilidh was so much fun (as they always are) and afterwards there was a "disco", basically just your typical DJ, but that was also really fun. The party lasted until two and then we went out in New Town afterwards, so it was definitely a really great night!
all dressed up for the ball
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